BA – Traetment Low-lead brass
SERTO offers interested customers parts of the ranges Brass M and Brass G, in which the lead content of the surfaces has been greatly reduced and is therefore considerably lower than the limiting values according to the current regulations. The lead content is leached out of the surface of the workpiece by means of a special cleaning process.
Field of application
The low-lead brass products are used for demanding application in the field of drinking water, coffee machines and in the food industry.
- All products in the ranges Brass M and Brass G
- In low-lead brass products, components which are not in contact with media such as nuts and valve handwheels, are used from the standard range.
SERTO brass products fulfil the 2011 German revised regulation for the quality of water for human consumption (Drinking Water Regulation – TrinkwV 2001), which implements the Directive 98/83/EU. Accordingly, other/national regulations and ordinances are fulfilled without problems.
Order Information
- Minimum order quantity 100 PCs
- Smaller quantities on request
- SERTO low-lead brass products must be clearly identified in the order with the extension BA (low-lead) after the designation of the material.
Example: SO 41121–8–1/4 BA
or 018.1101.170.BA