ACTIFOAM is used to fill any cavities or gaps in constructions. In case of fire, the cavity will be totally filled with the expanding rubber, offering a perfect fire seal for a very long duration.
ACTIFOAM can also be used for other sealing purposes. An advantage is that ACTIFOAM does not absorb water. Due to the closed cell structure, the rubber has good thermal insulation properties.
ACTIFOAM multi-cable
Transit sealing system is available as ACTIFOAM filler sheets and ACTIFOAM slit filler sheets. The oxygen index of ACTIFOAM is 40% (>30% is flame retardant).
An advantage of the ACTIFOAM material is that is does not absorb water. Tested at 2.5 bar water pressure during 24 hours. The K value at 10 °C according to NEN-EN 12667 is 12.3 mk/W.
The density of the foam rubber at 23 °C is between 0.35 and 0.4 g/cm3, in accordance with ISO 2781. Compression set of the foam rubber is 14% which stands for a good “memory”. Good weathering, UV and ozone resistance. Temperature range from -15 °C to +70 °C.
Typical application areas are:
- fire resistant ducting of cables (cavity seals)
- fire resistant ducting of busbar systems (busbar cavity seals)
- fire resistant ducting of cables and/or cable trays through wall and floor penetrations (FIRSTO Firestop)
- temporary fire resistant sealing of penetration openings during construction work (temporary seals)
- fire resistant sealing of doors and hatches
- fire resistant and thermal protection of installations
-40°C to +180°C
- Designed to provide a simple solution for both new and existing cable penetrations.
- Cellular rubber with closed cell structure to prevent moisture absorption.
- Rubber is activated and expanding when exposed to flames or extensive heat.
- Self-correcting fire stop system.
- EN certified for a two hour fire rating.
- Adding or removing cables an easy matter.
- Front of the sealing system can be covered with FIWA® or NOFIRNO® sealant for outdoor use.
- Proven – simple installation (sheets and slit sheets).
- The system of choice for upgrading existing cable penetrations.