ISO 9001
ISO 9001 certification by DNV GL since 1994. All business procedures have been optimized for certification, enabling us to respond faster and more efficiently to your wishes.
ISO 14001
In November 2016, we were certified according to ISO 14001 for the first time. We are proud that our long-term efforts for sustainable environmental policy can now be proven with this certificate. Details on our environmental policy and a selection of our environmental protection activities can be found in the navigation under Environmental policy.
Certificate DNV-GL
Established in 1864 as DNV, DNV-GL is an independent foundation with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment and is a leading international provider of services for managing risk. DNV-GL has certified our stainless steel compression ferrules SO 50001.
Certificate SGWA (SVGW)
SGWA stands for the Swiss Gas and Water Industry Association with head offices in Zurich. The SGWA is an association of gas and water utilities, as well as of interested circles from business, research, science and administration.
Certificate GGWA (DVGW)
GGWA stands for the German Gas and Water Industry Association in Bonn which, as the oldest technical-scientific association world-wide, has been serving its members for more than 140 years.
Certificate ABS
The mission of ABS is to serve the public interest as well as the needs of our clients by promoting the security of life, property, and the natural environment primarily through the development and verification of standards for the design, construction and operational maintenance of marine-related facilities.
Certificate ECE R67
Approval of a vehicle fitted with specific equipment for the use of liquified petroleum gases in its propulsion system with regard to the installation of such equipment.
Certificate Lloyd’s Register
Lloyd’s Register is an independent technical organisation providing risk assessment and risk management solutions and management systems certification around the world.