OX – Treatment for use with oxygen (oil and grease-free)

Application area
Tube connectors and valves which are used in oxygen systems have very high cleanliness requirements, especially in regard to carbon compounds on the surface (oils and greases). Such contamination could self-ignite very easily and very quickly.
Surface cleanliness < 33mg/m2 TOC per ASTM* G93-96, Level B.
Every order is traceable; assembly and testing are done in a special, clean environment.
EXMAR specifications CSO-OX.
(*American Society for Testing and materials)
Scope of supply
Components are packaged individually in weld-sealed PE bags, clearly marked, pre-assembled for installation, initial lubrication.
Special lubricant AC 851 OX, tested by BAM*
(Details see Chapter accessories)
(* Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung)
Ordering information
EXMAR products which need to be cleaned and supplied according to CSO-OX must be clearly marked with OX after the material number or the material description when ordering.
e.g.: WEV-22LR 3.4 OX
or 708.2406.768.21.OX
e.g: SO 51121-8-1/4 US
or 058.1101.170.US